Tuesday, 11 October 2022

The Dangers During Tree Removal You Must Be Aware Of

Tree removal is a necessary evil. It's not fun, but it's necessary when a tree becomes dangerous in some way. But, if you're not careful with hiring Arborist in Melbourne, the dangers of tree removal can result in serious injuries or even death. Here are three common dangers that come with removing trees:

1. Working Near Power Lines

While tree removal is a dangerous job, there are some basic precautions you can take to keep yourself and your Arborist Melbourne safe. One of the most important things for you to know is how to recognize power lines and how to avoid them. 

Power lines are generally found along roads or in yards, so look carefully before proceeding with your work. If you see any lines that appear to be moving, contact your local fire department immediately. If they do not respond quickly enough (or if they tell you nothing can be done), call the utility company directly and ask them what should be done about the situation.

Once you have found a line that needs attention, make sure all of your workers are aware of it as well; even if no one touches it directly during tree removal work, everyone could still be at risk from electrical shock as long as this remains unaddressed! 

It's best for each person onsite during tree removal projects such as these.

Tree Removal Service

2. Proximity to Buildings and Other Structures

Make sure that you are aware of the proximity to buildings and other structures when you are working on tree removal. Trees can fall and crush your home, especially if they are diseased or dead. 

Falling branches can damage roofs and siding, while falling debris and even entire trees may cause structural damage to buildings.

Arborists are trained and experienced in identifying dangerous trees—which is why it's so important for them to be involved with tree removal projects. If you decide to remove a large tree yourself, make sure that you have someone nearby who can help out should things go wrong!

3. Rotting, Weakened or Dead Trees

  • Rotting, weakened or dead trees are dangerous.
  • The danger can be from falling branches, or from the tree itself collapsing.
  • The danger depends on the species of tree, size of the tree and condition of the tree.
  • It's not recommended that you try to remove a large dead or decaying tree yourself.

The best thing to do is call a professional tree service. There are many different types of trees, and each species has its own unique needs. Tree care companies know the right way to cut down a tree safely and properly.


There are many things to consider when deciding on whether or not you should remove a tree. If you’re still unsure, talk with an Arborist Melbourne about whether your tree is safe for removal and if there are any alternatives available. 

Thursday, 6 October 2022

When to Call a Tree Removal Service: 5 Signs You Should Get Help


It's easy to forget that trees are living things like humans and pets. But just like people and animals, trees can get sick and need treatment. If your tree is showing signs of sickness or decay, you should consider getting Boroondara Tree Removal before it causes further damage to your property or home. Here's what you need to know about when to cut down a tree in order to keep your yard looking its best this season:

Dead or dying trees

If a tree is dead or dying, it will exhibit some of the following signs:

Leaves turn yellow or brown and fall off in clumps. If you see this happening, it's time to call Boroondara Tree Removal service professional.

Branches die back from the trunk of your tree. This can be an indication that there are internal issues within your tree that need to be addressed immediately by a professional arborist.

The bark becomes discoloured on any part of your tree's trunk or branches. This can indicate that there are nutrient deficiencies in the soil where your trees are planted, which may lead to other problems down the road (like root rot).

dead or dying trees

Visible signs of decay

Visible signs of decay. A good tree service provider will be able to identify visible signs that a tree is decaying, such as discolouration, cracks and holes. These are all warning signs that the tree is dying from the inside out and could become unstable at any time. If you notice these, you should call a professional immediately before it becomes a safety hazard for your property or for others nearby.

Dead branches can fall off without warning

If your yard has dead or broken branches hanging from your tree, these can come down without any warning at any time due to weakened supporting structures caused by rotting wood inside the trunk of your tree. 

When this happens, there is no way to predict where they will land so it's best not take chances when it comes to keeping yourself safe by having these removed properly by professionals who know how much pressure each branch can support before breaking away without warning.

Infected trees

If you can see the tree is diseased, or if there is a lot of fungus around the base of the tree, then it is time to remove it. A diseased tree is not only unsightly and dangerous but can also pose a threat to your house and other nearby structures.

If your trees are in need of pruning due to storm damage or disease, experts are always there to help you.

Too close to the home or other buildings

  • The tree is too close to the house, which means it might hit your home and damage it during a windstorm.
  • The tree is too close to power lines, which can cause electrical fires in your home.
  • The tree is too close to the driveway, so you might get hit by falling branches if there's a storm.
  • The tree could fall into your pool and make a mess out of it!


As we highlighted in this post, you should never attempt to remove a tree yourself. This is a job for an arborist who has the proper equipment and training to do so safely. Arborists are also familiar with all the local regulations regarding Boroondara Tree Removal and can help you navigate any legal requirements that might apply. 


Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Find Out If You Need To Remove Trees From Your Home

Trees can be a beautiful and healthy addition to your home's exterior, but sometimes they can pose a real danger to your house. If you've noticed that one of your trees seems to be dying or dead, or has other problems that make it dangerous to live under, there may be a reason beyond just bad luck. 

If so, it's important to know what this is before Best Boroondara Tree Removal yourself—especially if you want an insurance claim!

The tree is diseased

If you see a diseased tree in your neighborhood, it's probably best to get rid of it. Diseased trees are more likely to fall over in storms and suffer from other environmental problems such as branches breaking off or dying back. 

Diseases can be caused by insects or fungus, which can spread rapidly through the soil around a healthy tree.

Diseases are often difficult to treat because they're not always easy-to-see signs like bare spots on leaves; sometimes only symptoms appear (such as leaf dieback) before you know what's causing them!

 Tree is diseased

The tree is dead or dying

If you haven't already, it's time to get rid of a tree in your yard. But what do you do when the tree is dead?

You can tell if a tree is dead by looking at its leaves. If they're turning brown and falling off, then that means it's dying. In this case, take action right away—it will be more efficient than waiting for the tree to die on its own (which may take years).

If a tree is still alive but dying, you can remove it more slowly by cutting back its branches and letting them fall naturally. This will make the tree look like it's decomposing on its own.

The tree is too close to your house

If you have a tree that is too close to your house, it could pose a danger. Tree branches can fall and cause damage to your home, as well as injure people and pets who happen to be in their way. 

It may also block sunlight from entering the house during sunny days, which can decrease energy efficiency as well as cause mold growth due to reduced ventilation.

If you want to know if removing trees from your property will be cost effective then consider these factors:

  • The cost of removal varies depending on whether or not you hire professionals (i.e., arborists) or do it yourself with basic tools such as saws and shovels;
  • If there are multiple trees near each other then they all need special attention because they share common roots which must be removed before any work starts;
  • A large tree removal project could take several hours per day for several weeks or months depending on how far back into yards it goes;

If the tree is in a storm-prone area, it could be damaged by lightning. Lightning can damage the tree's trunk and branches, as well as its roots. The tree may also fall over due to heavy winds or rain that follow lightning strikes.


If any of these things are true for your tree and you don’t want to risk it falling on your house, then you should call a professional Boroondara Tree Removal. Trees can be expensive, and if they fall on your roof or into the yard it could cost thousands of dollars in repair work.