Thursday, 30 June 2022

Why Spring Pruning Produces Better Results?

Spring pruning is the best time to shape your trees and shrubs. By pruning during the spring months, you’ll be able to see the structure of the tree or shrub, allowing for more precise cuts. In addition, spring pruning allows plants to heal wounds before hot summer temperatures and insects arrive. And finally, because temperatures are cooler in spring and there is less sun, it's easier on you as well as your plant!  If you are planning for tree pruning projects then always hire a reputed Tree Removal Mount Waverley company to get the job done right.

Tree Removal Mount Waverley

You can see the structure of the tree without leaves.

  • You can see the structure of the tree without leaves.
  • You can see the shape of the tree.
  • You can see how big or small it is, based on its structure and shape.
  • You can tell if it needs pruning to maintain a good form or if it's too big for its space (or even both). This means you won't have to wait until spring because you don't know what you'll find on your trees until then!

The tree can heal itself before the heat of summer.

A healthy tree is a happy tree. And a happy tree is also a productive one—and that's something we can all get behind! When you prune in the spring, your trees are more likely to thrive through the summer months with less chance of being affected by diseases or pests. In this way, you're also helping your garden produce fruit and vegetables throughout the year instead of just in certain seasons. Not only will your trees be healthier because of this practice but they'll be able to grow more quickly than if they weren't pruned at all during those hot summer days when they're most vulnerable

The weather is cool and less stressful for both you and the tree.

With spring approaching, you may be wondering whether now is the best time to prune your tree. The answer is yes, but only if you do it right.

One of the biggest benefits of pruning in spring is that it's less stressful on your trees than winter pruning. Trees are less stressed when they're not getting hit with freezing temperatures or snowfall and having to produce fruit at the same time. When you're deciding what kind of tree care services plan works best for you and your property, keep these facts in mind:

  • Spring is a great time because it's cooler outside than during winter months
  • The weather isn't as harsh as when snowing season hits—and there won't be any need for heaters since temperatures stay within comfortable ranges (between 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit).

Tree Removal Mount Waverley

Spring is your best bet for pruning trees.

Spring is the best time to prune trees, especially if you live in a region where winter temperatures can drop below freezing. By removing dead and damaged branches in spring, you can improve the health of your tree and prevent future problems.

In late summer and fall, the apical bud grows into a shoot that will produce leaves next year; meanwhile, lateral buds stay dormant until they're needed to replace older or damaged shoots. Because these latter buds are dormant during winter months (and therefore protected), they're better able to withstand cold weather than those growing on current shoots would be if they were exposed above ground level. Thus, removing old branches early ensures that new ones won't be harmed by frost damage during their first year of growth (which would make them more susceptible to disease).


With all that said, the main takeaway here is that spring is the best time to prune trees. Summer and winter are less ideal because of weather conditions and leaf growth, respectively. If you have any questions about when to prune other plants in your yard, feel free to get in touch with Tree Removal Wantirna Service! 

Monday, 20 June 2022

What You Should Know About Common Tree Diseases?

The trees are amazing. They give us shade, clean our air, and can even be a source of income (if you're lucky enough to have an apple tree). As much as we love trees, though, they can catch diseases just like people do. Tree diseases aren't a given when you plant a tree in your yard—but if something goes wrong, it helps to know what the most common problems, as suggested by Tree Removal Glen Waverley are and how you can fight back. Here are five diseases that commonly plague urban trees

Tree Removal Glen Waverley

  • Phytophthora root rot

Phytophthora root rot is a fungal disease that affects many different plants, including trees. It is caused by a fungus called Phytophthora and causes the roots to rot. This can kill the tree.

To prevent this disease from spreading, make sure you seal off any pruned areas with plastic or wood chips until they can be disposed of properly. If you don't know how to get rid of your dead tree safely or do not have time for it yourself, contact professional Tree Removal Glen Waverley company, who will get the job done for you!

  • Needlecast diseases

Needle cast diseases are caused by fungi that grow on the needles. The fungi spread from one tree to another by wind, rain or insects. While sometimes this disease can cause defoliation and death of the tree, it is not uncommon for infected trees to recover completely without permanent damage. The best way to grow strong, long-lasting trees in your yard is to have professionals take care of them year-round. 

  • Rust diseases

Rust diseases are caused by fungi, and they can be found on deciduous trees. Rust diseases usually appear during spring or summer, and they're distinguished by the colour of their spores: reddish-orange or orange-brown. These fungi are most common on oaks, elms, maples and sycamores. They can also infect fruit trees like apples and pears.

Rust diseases usually appear as irregularly shaped spots on leaves as well as twigs and branches; these spots may grow larger over time if left untreated. Rust diseases are treated with fungicide sprays applied twice during each growing season (early spring and mid-summer).

  • Fungal wilts

Fungal wilts are caused by several different types of fungi, including Phytophthora, Pythium and Fusarium. The symptoms vary depending on which fungus is responsible.

Some fungal wilts can cause the sudden death of branches or entire trees. Some species cause the leaves to turn brown or yellow, while others lead to branch dieback and defoliation. These diseases often appear during periods of drought stress or high temperatures in the late summer and early fall when plants are stressed--even if they have been watered regularly throughout their life cycle.

Tree Removal Glen Waverley

  • Cankers

A canker is a localized lesion on the trunk or branch of a tree caused by an infection with fungi. The first thing that will come to your mind is Boroondara Tree Removal. They are often found on old, wounded, or damaged bark and result in a sunken area that can appear darkly discoloured compared to healthy tissue around it. The term "canker" may also refer to plant diseases caused by fungal pathogens that cause similar symptoms but only infect leaves or fruit (e.g., Powdery Mildew). 


We hope this post has helped you identify and learn about some of the most common tree diseases. It's important to remember that trees are resilient, and in many cases, treatment methods can help save them from disease. For more information or if you have any questions about tree health, reach out to a local arborist who can assist you with guidance, as well as Tree Removal Glen Waverley.

Monday, 13 June 2022

Signs that you need to hire Tree removal expert

You know you love trees very much and also hate to see them felled because of so many people who don’t. Luckily, there are ways that you can get your tree back once and for all! You need a Tree removal specialist to cut down your tree, mow it down, and then remove the dead limbs from your home. If you live in an urban environment, this might be easier than guessing which area has the best tree removal service. You can always drive to one of the local city centers to find a tree removal company. However, if you live in a rural area near a city center or an airport, you already have access to a Tree removal Mornington Peninsula company. If not, read on for some good reasons why you need to hire a Tree removal expert!

Arborist Melbourne


Whenever you have a problem with a tree, you need to get it fixed as soon as possible. This is especially important for those trees that are over 80 years old. The sooner you get it fixed, the better. It looks like your old tree will rot away if you don’t get it removed soon. Ideally, you should be able to get it removed within a couple of months.


If your tree is only about a year old, it likely has died from too much growth. This is mainly because the trees in your neighbourhood start to bear berries early in the season. The berries are a good source of energy for the trees and provide them with much-needed nutrients. During the heavy berry growing season, the soil in your neighbourhood gets very moist. This causes the moist, star-shaped roots of many trees to rot. Once the soil is thoroughly saturated with water, the trees’ roots begin to rot. This can happen very often if you live in an area with seasonal rainfall. If you don’t remove the dead, rooted limbs as soon as you realize the problem, those roots will rot away. In many cases, it’s best to remove the roots and remove the dead branch before the branch gets very wet. This way, you don’t have it rot in the soil.

Arborist Melbourne


If the condition of your tree is odd, unusual, or even suspicious, you should definitely get it checked out. However, if the problem is very obvious and intrusive, you should definitely get the tree removed. It could cause very bad in-town and out-of-town traffic, damage your home, and create a great deal of damage to your property.


There are actually a few ways to get your tree back. The first is to hire a Tree removal expert. The second is to bring the tree back yourself. The last but not least is to burn the tree. When a tree is burned, it is removed from the environment and becomes a historical monument. take help from Arborist Melbourne if you notice any serious issues.