The trees are amazing. They give us shade, clean our air, and can even be a source of income (if you're lucky enough to have an apple tree). As much as we love trees, though, they can catch diseases just like people do. Tree diseases aren't a given when you plant a tree in your yard—but if something goes wrong, it helps to know what the most common problems, as suggested by Tree Removal Glen Waverley are and how you can fight back. Here are five diseases that commonly plague urban trees
- Phytophthora root rot
Phytophthora root rot is a fungal disease that affects many different plants, including trees. It is caused by a fungus called Phytophthora and causes the roots to rot. This can kill the tree.
To prevent this disease from spreading, make sure you seal off any pruned areas with plastic or wood chips until they can be disposed of properly. If you don't know how to get rid of your dead tree safely or do not have time for it yourself, contact professional Tree Removal Glen Waverley company, who will get the job done for you!
- Needlecast diseases
Needle cast diseases are caused by fungi that grow on the needles. The fungi spread from one tree to another by wind, rain or insects. While sometimes this disease can cause defoliation and death of the tree, it is not uncommon for infected trees to recover completely without permanent damage. The best way to grow strong, long-lasting trees in your yard is to have professionals take care of them year-round.
Rust diseases
Rust diseases are caused by fungi, and they can be found on deciduous trees. Rust diseases usually appear during spring or summer, and they're distinguished by the colour of their spores: reddish-orange or orange-brown. These fungi are most common on oaks, elms, maples and sycamores. They can also infect fruit trees like apples and pears.
Rust diseases usually appear as irregularly shaped spots on leaves as well as twigs and branches; these spots may grow larger over time if left untreated. Rust diseases are treated with fungicide sprays applied twice during each growing season (early spring and mid-summer).
Fungal wilts
Fungal wilts are caused by several different types of fungi, including Phytophthora, Pythium and Fusarium. The symptoms vary depending on which fungus is responsible.
Some fungal wilts can cause the sudden death of branches or entire trees. Some species cause the leaves to turn brown or yellow, while others lead to branch dieback and defoliation. These diseases often appear during periods of drought stress or high temperatures in the late summer and early fall when plants are stressed--even if they have been watered regularly throughout their life cycle.
A canker is a localized lesion on the trunk or branch of a tree caused by an infection with fungi. The first thing that will come to your mind is Boroondara Tree Removal. They are often found on old, wounded, or damaged bark and result in a sunken area that can appear darkly discoloured compared to healthy tissue around it. The term "canker" may also refer to plant diseases caused by fungal pathogens that cause similar symptoms but only infect leaves or fruit (e.g., Powdery Mildew).
We hope this post has helped you identify and learn about some of the most common tree diseases. It's important to remember that trees are resilient, and in many cases, treatment methods can help save them from disease. For more information or if you have any questions about tree health, reach out to a local arborist who can assist you with guidance, as well as Tree Removal Glen Waverley.

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