Sunday 18 September 2022

When Is The Best Time To Have Tree Removal Service?

Have you ever noticed that certain trees in your yard seem to be old, diseased, and generally in bad shape? If so, then it might be time to consider tree removal. 

But before you call up every Tree Removal Glen Waverley company in town and start negotiating with them over price (and trust me--you'll want to negotiate), there are some things that you should know about when is the best time to have tree removal service performed on your property. Here's an overview of the most common reasons for removing a tree:

When Your Tree Is Diseased

Tree diseases can be spread by insects, wind and water. While these pests or weather conditions won't cause the tree to die, they can cause branches to die, making it more susceptible to insect damage. 

If a diseased branch breaks off of your tree and lands on your house or car, it will cause property damage. If the branch falls while you're underneath it, it could seriously injure or kill you! 

A diseased tree is also more likely than a healthy one is to become weak and unstable—it may fall over unexpectedly in high winds after being weakened by disease. 

Tree Is Diseased

When Your Tree Could Become a Hazard

When your tree could become a hazard to your property or the surrounding areas, it may be time to call in the professionals. If you have a tree that is overhanging your roof and endangering it, or hanging too close to power lines and electrical wires, this could cause serious problems for you and others. 

The same goes for trees near busy streets, pools and playgrounds as well when they start getting large enough that they can potentially damage cars or other objects if they fall down on them.

When Your Tree Has Been Damaged in a Storm

When a tree has been damaged in a storm, it can be difficult to tell if it’s safe. If you see branches or limbs hanging low or falling off the tree, there’s a good chance that it was damaged during the storm.

 It might also be possible to determine if your tree is damaged by looking at its leaves: if they appear wilted or unhealthy, this could mean that there is an underlying problem with the tree itself.

When damage does occur, make sure to call for removal services as soon as possible so that your property is protected against future storms. The sooner we get our crew on-site, the better chance we have of completing our work without any issues getting in our way!

When Your Tree Is Crowding Other Trees or Shrubs

One of the best times to have a Tree Removal Glen Waverley is when it’s crowding other trees or shrubs. If you don’t remove an overcrowded tree, it will become unhealthy and unsafe.

If you don't remove an overcrowded tree, it will become more expensive to remove in the long run because of all the damage it will cause over time with its root system taking over surrounding areas.


In conclusion, there are many reasons to have your tree removed. The best time is when it's diseased, could potentially be hazardous or damaged in a storm, crowds other trees and shrubs, or has been damaged by pests like termites.


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