Thursday, 28 July 2022

What Are The Dangers That Can Arise During Tree Removal?

Falling trees are dangerous, but good preparation can help prevent accidents. If you are going for any Tree Removal Mount Waverley service then this blog is for you, read on!

The tree may fall back toward the workers.

Another danger that can arise during tree removal is that the tree may fall back toward the workers. A tree falling in this direction could cause serious injury or even death to the workers. This type of accident has happened in many instances, and it's important for you to know about it so you can avoid being harmed.

If a tree falls in a different direction than expected, there is also some risk involved for those who are present at the job site. For example, if a large branch from an oak tree were to break off and crash through your roof while two men were removing its trunk from your yard, then there would obviously be serious consequences (such as having to replace your roof).

Rigging equipment can fail.

Rigging equipment is used to secure the tree and its limbs during removal. It also helps keep the tree erect as it’s being lifted from its base, preventing it from falling or leaning over in any direction. While rigging equipment is designed to be strong and reliable, there are many ways for it to fail.

Rigging equipment

A limb or the tree trunk may strike a worker.

There are many dangers associated with tree removal. One of the most common is that a worker can be injured by falling limbs or branches. The tree trunk itself can also cause severe injury, particularly if it lands on a worker's body.

If you've ever been in a position where you needed to remove a large branch from your yard, you know how heavy and difficult it is to move even part of one! It can only imagine what kind of effort goes into moving an entire tree or stump from your property!

If any workers are working near your home or vehicle (or even just overhead), there is always a risk that they could be injured from falling limbs or branches as well as being crushed by falling trunks themselves.

Working around trees requires safety equipment like hard hats and goggles—and ideally, training on how to use them correctly. You should also try not to work alone when removing a tree or doing any other work near one; extra hands can provide assistance if something goes wrong. In addition, there are many precautions you can take before starting any job involving a tree:

  • Remove loose debris from around the base of the trunk before beginning work so that it doesn't fall on someone below during removal.
  • Cut back branches far enough above ground level so they won't brush against someone climbing up into position.
  • Use ropes when climbing up into position if possible (but remember not everyone has this skill available)


No matter what type of Tree Removal Mount Waverley you’re interested in, it’s critical that you make sure your workers are well-trained on how to handle different situations. In some cases, you may even want to invest in equipment that can help prevent accidents from happening in the first place. For example, a bucket lift might save them from having to climb up high branches on their own and if something goes wrong with this piece of equipment? Well, at least it won’t be as devastating for everyone involved!

Friday, 22 July 2022

How to Protect Your Trees This Summer and Fall

Summertime is a great time of year to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. It is also a good time to take care of some important maintenance on your trees, according to Arborist in Melbourne, especially if you have not done it in previous seasons. While we cannot predict when there will be storms or other natural disasters that could potentially damage your trees, there are some preventative measures that you can take this fall that will help protect them from such events:

Arborist Melbourne

Water your trees correctly.

  • Water at the right time. You'll probably want to water in the early morning when it's coolest, and there's less evaporation. Evaporation is what causes your tree to lose water and dry out, so that's why you should spend this time watering deeply but less frequently.
  • Water deeply. Don't just sprinkle a little bit in the middle of each hole—it takes much more than that to make sure your plant gets everything it needs!
  • Water early in the morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are cool, and winds aren't as strong. This will help prevent disease and retain moisture better overall for longer periods of time throughout each day.
  • If possible, try doing some supplemental irrigation during months where rain isn't likely (i.e., winter). This will help keep trees healthy even if natural precipitation isn't sufficient enough on its own anymore due to climate change trends over time today.

Help them defend against diseases, insects and other harmful critters.

We all know that trees have an important job to do, but did you know that they also need to be protected from the elements? It's true! Trees are living creatures, and like humans, they can get sick. There are many things out there that can hurt or kill your trees if left untreated. After which, Tree Removal Glen Waverley would be the only good way forward.

Tree diseases and insects are everywhere—you may not even realize it. Think about how many trees surround us when we drive down the street or walk through our parks on a nice day. This means that there is also a lot of potentials for these little pests to wreak havoc on our environment if we don't take steps to prevent them from doing so.

The good news is that protecting your trees doesn't have to be difficult; all it takes is knowing what types of pests are out there and how they spread so then you can make sure they never come near yours again!

Arborist Melbourne

Drive your vehicle with care around tree roots.

Trees are a big part of our natural environment, providing shade and beauty to our neighbourhoods. But they can be dangerous if we're not careful around them.

For example, if you drive too close to a tree trunk or run over tree roots while parking your car or driving on the road, you're putting yourself at risk for damage that could cost thousands of dollars in repairs. Trees are also vulnerable when vehicles drive off-road in areas where there's no pavement—and that can lead to problems such as erosion and poor drainage.


If you're looking for ways to protect your trees, we hope this blog post has been helpful! If not, than any Arborist Melbourne can help. We know that caring for your trees doesn't always seem like a top priority, but it can make a big difference in their longevity and beauty.

Thursday, 21 July 2022


Removing a tree can be a big job. The question is not always whether or not you should remove the tree, but when you should remove it. There are times, according to Arborist in Melbourne, when removing a tree is necessary, and times when removing a tree can have negative consequences for your yard or landscaping. If you're unsure about what to do with an old or dying tree on your property, consider these factors first:

Arborist Melbourne


Decay can be caused by insects, fungi and bacteria. There are three kinds of decay: external and internal (heartwood) decay. External decay is the result of wound damage to the bark or trunk of a tree; both these types of wounds allow moisture to enter and cause rot to form inside the tree.

Internal heartwood decay is caused by fungi that colonize in cracks within higher-density wood cells called rays, which are found in all trees with rings. Decay can also be caused by internal injuries like broken branches or burls (abnormal growths on a tree) that expose wood to infection from insects or fungal spores brought into wounds when they happen to be pruned or cut open while working on them."

Poor Health

Poor health is a common reason to remove a tree. When you see signs of poor health, like discolouration or decay, it's time to take action.

  • A tree may be dying from old age. Older trees tend to look less vibrant than younger trees, and they can also be more difficult to maintain because they have been around longer and are more likely to have pests who have had more time to find them. If the trunk of your tree has rotted through, it will need Boroondara Tree Removal as soon as possible because rot spreads quickly in trees; otherwise, other parts of the tree will rot and fall off on their own.
  • A diseased or otherwise unhealthy tree may need removal as soon as possible, too—if not sooner! It might be difficult for you (or anyone else) who isn't an expert arborist or forester with specialized equipment (and training) to know whether or not a particular ailment warrants immediate attention; however if there are obvious signs such as discolouration/decay along branches or trunk cracks that seem unusual for this type of tree then chances are very good that something is wrong with the overall health of this particular specimen.


  • Location. The most important factor when deciding whether or not to remove a tree is where it's located. It's important that you account for the safety of people and property and also take into consideration aesthetics and maintenance. If there are power lines in close proximity to the tree, then they should be removed immediately.
  • Shape/Size of Tree: The size and shape of your tree will determine its lifespan as well as how much space it takes up in your yard or lawn. A small, thin tree can easily be pruned, while bigger trees require more work—and possibly more money!
  • Location of Other Trees: If you have other trees near your property line, it might make sense to keep this one until they get bigger, too because they can provide shade during hot summer days while protecting against wind damage during winter storms like hurricanes or tornadoes (depending on where you live).


If you have a tree on your property, it's a good idea to know how to tell if the roots are causing problems for your home. This can happen if the roots grow underground and come in contact with pipes or sewer lines. The most common way to determine whether this has happened is by checking your water bills: if they appear higher than normal, then it could be because of the tree's roots.

Arborist Melbourne

Water bills aren't the only sign that there may be trouble ahead; other symptoms include cracking or shifting walls and floors, which can indicate that there's too much pressure being put on them by growing trees. If you see any signs like these around your home, it might be time to call an arborist before things get worse!

It's also important not just because they might cause damage but because they could also mean that there are problems with its health—which means removing them as soon as possible! If the tree is dying or dead already, then removing its roots would help prevent further wilting from occurring (even though it wouldn't do anything about what was already happening).

New Growth

New growth is a sign of health and strength. If you see new leaves on a tree, this is a good indication that the tree has adapted to its environment and is thriving. It may be time for you to remove a tree if the new growth is not healthy or if it's growing in an undesirable place (such as over your house).


There are many other factors that can affect whether or not to remove a tree, and we've covered just some of them here. But as you can see from this article, there are also many reasons why it might be best to keep a tree in your yard! The most important thing is that you think carefully about the decision before making it.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Top Signs Of Tree Removal Not To Avoid At All Cost

When deciding to have a tree removed from your property, it’s important to hire Boroondara Tree Removal professionals that can tell the difference between a healthy and unhealthy tree. Healthy trees do not need to be removed. Below are some signs of unhealthy trees that may lead you to believe that removal is necessary:

Boroondara Tree Removal
  • Trees with roots that are starting to become exposed.

A tree that appears to have its roots exposed is a sign of serious damage. Roots are a tree's lifeline, and if they're damaged, it can be fatal for the tree. Roots are like blood vessels; they deliver nutrients from the soil to the leaves and branches so that they can grow properly. If those "vessels" are cut off or damaged by construction or storms, drought or other factors, it will cause irreversible harm to the tree's health.

  • Broken, dead, or dying trees

You should remove a dead tree before it falls. The tree could fall on your house and cause damage, or fall onto power lines, causing an electrical outage. A dead or dying tree is also a fire hazard; if the tree is close to your home, you should take steps to have it removed immediately.

Also, you may not want to look at a dead or dying tree every time you walk outside. It's unsightly and can detract from your property's value if it's visible from the street or other nearby properties. Also, consider that the cost of removing a dead or dying tree is much higher than cutting down one that is healthy—you'll end up spending more money on labour than would be necessary otherwise!

  • Split or leaning trees

If you see any of these signs, it’s time to call in a professional tree removal service. The sooner you address a problem with your tree, the better off you and your property will be.

Leaning or split trees may not seem like a big deal until they fall on someone or something. That's why it's important to have an experienced arborist inspect your property for potential problems before any major damage takes place.

  • Trees with hanging branches

If you see a tree with hanging branches, it is at risk of falling. This means that the roots have decomposed and can't support the weight of the tree anymore. In some cases, it might even be too late to save your tree. The best thing to do in this case is hire professionals who are trained in removing trees safely.

Boroondara Tree Removal
  • Roots that were damaged by construction

Roots are the lifeblood of a tree. If they are damaged or cut, the tree will die. Roots anchor a tree and provide support for its trunk; they also absorb nutrients from soil and water in order to feed the rest of the plant. In some cases, damaged roots can be repaired with grafting or transplanting healthy ones into another place on your property or another location altogether if it isn't safe to move them around your yard due to damage caused by construction work.


The above are some of the signs that your tree needs to be removed. If you see any of these symptoms on your tree, it’s time to call a professional Tree Removal Mount Waverley company.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Have you got a sick tree? 4 Common signs of tree disease

Trees are some of the most beautiful and beneficial plants we have. They provide oxygen, shade and fruit but can also be expensive to care for. When then catch the disease, you are left with no other choice than Tree removal Mornington Peninsula after the certain intensity of the disease. If you're not sure if your tree has a disease or is simply going through normal seasonal changes, here are four signs that can help you differentiate between the two:

Tree removal

Fungus at the base

Fungus is often the cause of tree disease, so it's important to get your trees checked for fungus if you see these symptoms. The fungus can spread throughout the trunk and kill your tree. Some fungicides will help kill off the fungus, but it may be too late by then.

Trees are some of the most beautiful and beneficial plants we have. They provide oxygen, shade and fruit but can also be expensive to care for. When then catch the disease, you are left with no other choice than Tree removal Mornington Peninsula after the certain intensity of the disease. If you're not sure if your tree has a disease or is simply going through normal seasonal changes, here are four signs that can help you differentiate between the two:

  • Fungus at the base

Fungus is often the cause of tree disease, so it's important to get your trees checked for fungus if you see these symptoms. The fungus can spread throughout the trunk and kill your tree. Some fungicides will help kill off the fungus, but it may be too late by then.

  • Wilting

Wilting is when leaves droop and begin to turn brown or yellow. This can be a sign of water stress, which means the tree doesn't have enough water to survive.

To check if your trees are wilting because they need more water:

  • Check the soil for moisture. If it's dry, you might need to add some water until the roots can absorb it again. Use an inexpensive moisture meter or just dig down 2 inches into the ground with your fingers—if it's dry down there, then you'll want to soak up some rainwater from a bucket or hose (or use something like Miracle-Gro Moisture Control).

  • If you don't see wilting but still suspect disease after examining other symptoms (described below), keep an eye out for more signs that something isn't right with your trees.

Tree trimming Frankston is also an option to eliminate the affected part without having to cut the whole tree.

  • The bark is falling off

The bark is the tree's protective outer layer, and it protects the inner layers of the tree. It also serves as its immune system, protecting against insects and fungi that can attack your trees. The bark can also be attacked by itself due to incorrect watering or fertilizing, which weakens its ability to fight off other diseases.

Tree removal

Leaves are discoloured or falling off.

  • If a tree's leaves are falling off, it can be a sign of disease. This may be due to an infection in the tree's phloem or xylem tissue (both of which transport nutrients and water). If you notice that your tree is losing leaves, check for symptoms on the trunk, such as oozing sap or lesions.
  • Sometimes leaf fall is caused by drought. Too little water can also cause other signs of disease such as insects (pests) infestation and nutrient deficiency in plants.
  • Too much water can also lead to leaf wilt and dieback in trees over time if they're not sufficiently able to adapt their root structure accordingly to the changing conditions around them because they're growing too fast under those circumstances; this includes excessive amounts being poured onto lawns around houses because some people think "if more is better" then there must be no limit when applying fertilizer during springtime before any buds start appearing on branches later this month--they'll just keep watering until everything starts looking green again! 


If you see any of the symptoms above, it's definitely time to get a tree care specialist out to diagnose the problem or get the Tree removal Mornington Peninsula. They will be able to tell you how serious it is and what type of treatment is most effective. In some cases, they might even be able to help you restore your plant back to health!