Friday 22 July 2022

How to Protect Your Trees This Summer and Fall

Summertime is a great time of year to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. It is also a good time to take care of some important maintenance on your trees, according to Arborist in Melbourne, especially if you have not done it in previous seasons. While we cannot predict when there will be storms or other natural disasters that could potentially damage your trees, there are some preventative measures that you can take this fall that will help protect them from such events:

Arborist Melbourne

Water your trees correctly.

  • Water at the right time. You'll probably want to water in the early morning when it's coolest, and there's less evaporation. Evaporation is what causes your tree to lose water and dry out, so that's why you should spend this time watering deeply but less frequently.
  • Water deeply. Don't just sprinkle a little bit in the middle of each hole—it takes much more than that to make sure your plant gets everything it needs!
  • Water early in the morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are cool, and winds aren't as strong. This will help prevent disease and retain moisture better overall for longer periods of time throughout each day.
  • If possible, try doing some supplemental irrigation during months where rain isn't likely (i.e., winter). This will help keep trees healthy even if natural precipitation isn't sufficient enough on its own anymore due to climate change trends over time today.

Help them defend against diseases, insects and other harmful critters.

We all know that trees have an important job to do, but did you know that they also need to be protected from the elements? It's true! Trees are living creatures, and like humans, they can get sick. There are many things out there that can hurt or kill your trees if left untreated. After which, Tree Removal Glen Waverley would be the only good way forward.

Tree diseases and insects are everywhere—you may not even realize it. Think about how many trees surround us when we drive down the street or walk through our parks on a nice day. This means that there is also a lot of potentials for these little pests to wreak havoc on our environment if we don't take steps to prevent them from doing so.

The good news is that protecting your trees doesn't have to be difficult; all it takes is knowing what types of pests are out there and how they spread so then you can make sure they never come near yours again!

Arborist Melbourne

Drive your vehicle with care around tree roots.

Trees are a big part of our natural environment, providing shade and beauty to our neighbourhoods. But they can be dangerous if we're not careful around them.

For example, if you drive too close to a tree trunk or run over tree roots while parking your car or driving on the road, you're putting yourself at risk for damage that could cost thousands of dollars in repairs. Trees are also vulnerable when vehicles drive off-road in areas where there's no pavement—and that can lead to problems such as erosion and poor drainage.


If you're looking for ways to protect your trees, we hope this blog post has been helpful! If not, than any Arborist Melbourne can help. We know that caring for your trees doesn't always seem like a top priority, but it can make a big difference in their longevity and beauty.

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