Sunday 17 July 2022

Top Signs Of Tree Removal Not To Avoid At All Cost

When deciding to have a tree removed from your property, it’s important to hire Boroondara Tree Removal professionals that can tell the difference between a healthy and unhealthy tree. Healthy trees do not need to be removed. Below are some signs of unhealthy trees that may lead you to believe that removal is necessary:

Boroondara Tree Removal
  • Trees with roots that are starting to become exposed.

A tree that appears to have its roots exposed is a sign of serious damage. Roots are a tree's lifeline, and if they're damaged, it can be fatal for the tree. Roots are like blood vessels; they deliver nutrients from the soil to the leaves and branches so that they can grow properly. If those "vessels" are cut off or damaged by construction or storms, drought or other factors, it will cause irreversible harm to the tree's health.

  • Broken, dead, or dying trees

You should remove a dead tree before it falls. The tree could fall on your house and cause damage, or fall onto power lines, causing an electrical outage. A dead or dying tree is also a fire hazard; if the tree is close to your home, you should take steps to have it removed immediately.

Also, you may not want to look at a dead or dying tree every time you walk outside. It's unsightly and can detract from your property's value if it's visible from the street or other nearby properties. Also, consider that the cost of removing a dead or dying tree is much higher than cutting down one that is healthy—you'll end up spending more money on labour than would be necessary otherwise!

  • Split or leaning trees

If you see any of these signs, it’s time to call in a professional tree removal service. The sooner you address a problem with your tree, the better off you and your property will be.

Leaning or split trees may not seem like a big deal until they fall on someone or something. That's why it's important to have an experienced arborist inspect your property for potential problems before any major damage takes place.

  • Trees with hanging branches

If you see a tree with hanging branches, it is at risk of falling. This means that the roots have decomposed and can't support the weight of the tree anymore. In some cases, it might even be too late to save your tree. The best thing to do in this case is hire professionals who are trained in removing trees safely.

Boroondara Tree Removal
  • Roots that were damaged by construction

Roots are the lifeblood of a tree. If they are damaged or cut, the tree will die. Roots anchor a tree and provide support for its trunk; they also absorb nutrients from soil and water in order to feed the rest of the plant. In some cases, damaged roots can be repaired with grafting or transplanting healthy ones into another place on your property or another location altogether if it isn't safe to move them around your yard due to damage caused by construction work.


The above are some of the signs that your tree needs to be removed. If you see any of these symptoms on your tree, it’s time to call a professional Tree Removal Mount Waverley company.

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